Swishie newsletter, ongoing

Subscribe today to find community, content, and a safe space for ambitious & creative women of color to foster clarity, confidence, and curiosity to thrive in work, motherhood, & life. 💖


3 tips for starting a passion project, side hustle, or lifestyle business: Approach your creative business like a user experience designer, 2021


Featured in Thrive Global and Authority Magazine: 5 things you need to heal after a dramatic loss or life change by Pirie Jones Grossman, Apr 2021.

When I lost my dad ten years ago, it set me on a trajectory to start living more authentically. While I'm glad I am where I am now, I also want to inspire others that you don't need to go through a dramatic loss to learn what I did. And for those of you who have lost someone close, I hope you can find the lesson in it.


Interviewed for the ATD Magazine: Feeling Trapped? Reimagine your
career using design thinking
by Raydiance Dangerfield, Jan 2020.

Delivering Happiness.png

My first byline: 3 Ways to Feel More Alive at Work, 2014